
Change the way the world works

Rise-X is a digital platform that creates a single source of truth for connected businesses to track logistics in real-time. Rise-X approached Ammo for help with their go-to-market strategy, messaging, and website development.

We Partnered on

Marketing Strategy
Community Strategy

Go-To Market Strategy

Rise-x approached us to help them launch their multiparty workflow platform that connects business ecosystems creating new value chains and flows of good and services across the globe. Ammo was engaged to design a strategy that could run in conjunction with product development and beta testing. Often the case for early stage ventures.

  • Competitor analysis

  • Target personas and psychographics

  • Key target persona messaging

  • Marketing channel identification

  • Customer journey creation

  • North Star metric identification

  • Actions and execution

New Website

One of the most difficult things about launching a new technology is communicating its value to your target audience in a way that is familiar and intuitive. Using learnings from testing campaign messaging, we worked with Rise-x to create a new website that conveyed how their platform works, who it’s for and why they should use it.

  • Bridging the design gap between the brand, the product and the website

  • Showcasing the platform without overwhelming the customer with excessive technical detail

  • Inserting the human element to the brand and filling the gaps of a tech heavy product

  • Highlight industry applications and case-studies

Drag & Drop Workflow Builder
Drag & Drop Workflow Builder
Case Studies
Workflow Meetups

Community Strategy Workshop

After attending some early live demos with beta testers for Rise-X it was evident that the relationships forming around the product were more than just transactions. The Rise-X platform was being co-created with a community of companies who suffered the inefficiencies of enterprise at scale across their entire career.

Customers were starting to create business ecosystems within the product itself. These individuals want to make a difference in their organisation. With attitude and the willingness to take on the challenge that is building community, we scheduled a session in early 2024 to get to the heart of Rise-X and how might we craft a community surrounding the platform.

  • Workshop facilitation with the Rise-X co-founders and marketing team

  • Mapped purpose, goals, segments, founding members and resources required for community-led growth

  • Reviewed technology stack and supporting mechanisms that enable community

  • Scoped content and communications plan for upcoming industry events

"What sets Ammo apart is their commitment to not just serving as service providers, but as proactive educators. They genuinely invest in people, creating value that extends beyond mere business transactions and fosters real growth within our organisation."

— Troy Wheeler, Chief Revenue Officer at Rise-X